A large number of men around the world frequent or have frequented a prostitute at some point in their lives. Even a large percentage of them usually go with the same always.
According to some studies, about 20% of people who go to a sex worker end up falling in love with her. Although this seems unusual, the truth is that it happens and many times they know that it is not a good idea, but love is strong.
Today we are going to touch on this topic in depth and you will be able to know why it is not a good idea. This does not mean that a prostitute has no right to love, however, as a man who falls in love with one you are going to have to deal with many things.
Is a relationship between you and a prostitute possible?

It does not matter if you are looking for whores in Valencia , Madrid or any other city in the country, in general terms the deal will be the same. When someone goes to a prostitute they are looking for sex, they are clear about it and have accepted that it is just a job.
However, it is common that they can meet some people who end up falling in love with them. There are many prostitutes who are a beauty and many can dream of having her by their side all their lives.
The truth is that there have been some cases in which a relationship between a sex worker and a client can work. This has already happened and they have managed to lead a normal life and start a family. However, in many cases these relationships end badly and the one who suffers the most is the client.
In short, it is possible to fall in love and even have a stable and lasting relationship with a prostitute, however, it is not a good option. This is a big risk and whether you are willing to take it is your decision.
The reasons why it is not a good idea to fall in love with a prostitute
There are certain reasons why falling in love with a prostitute is not the wisest decision. Next, we will give you some reasons why it is not a good idea to fall in love with a prostitute.
1. You will have to deal with being in contact with many men
A prostitute is frequented by a large number of men, often more than one a day. This is their job and it's something you have to deal with. If you are someone jealous, falling in love with a sex worker is a very bad idea.
While you are trying to court her, you must accept that she is sleeping with other men. For any man this would make it impossible even to think about trying to woo her. However, if you are open-minded, you might have a chance.
- It is not easy to get them out of that life
Another thing that you should be clear about if you have fallen in love with a prostitute is that many resent changing their lives. Many of them only know that life and have spent years working as sex workers. It is normal that they are not entirely convinced of changing their lives so quickly.
There are even some who do it because they like it and it is very difficult for them to enter the monogamous life. This is not in all cases, many of them dream of getting married and having a family, but it does not happen in all of them.
3. Many tend to distrust men
Having spent years in the environment being frequented and used by men just for sex makes them lose confidence in them. It is normal for men to approach her just to have sex, so one who approaches her with other intentions can cause immediate rejection.
Even the fact that you have been their client can make the situation even more difficult. So, this is something extremely important that you should keep in mind, since starting a relationship with them is not really easy and many people end up throwing in the towel.
Many of them will even simply reject you or try to take advantage of you for profit.
4. You must accept his past
The first step in starting a relationship is that you must accept her past, no matter how many men she has slept with or everything she has done, that should be buried and forgotten. Unfortunately not all men are capable of doing this and their past may be something that haunts them for a long time.
But there is not only the problem that you accept it, but that at some point your family and friends will find out about that past. This is something that can cause problems, since it is inevitable that they will make comments or talk behind your back. Also, it may not be easy for your parents to accept that their son has fallen in love with a sex worker.
5. You can meet old clients

A prostitute over a year may have had hundreds of clients, if she has been in the environment for a long time this can amount to a very large number. This makes it inevitable that at some point she ends up running into someone on the street who recognizes her.
In this world one of the main things is discretion, but you can't expect it from everyone. So this is a situation that you may have to deal with and you should be prepared for it.
6. Insecurity
Another thing you are going to have to deal with is your own insecurities. Many are tormented by knowing that their girlfriend has had a partner before them or the simple fact of knowing if that other person was better in bed than them. Now imagine the case if you get married to a prostitute.
One of the main factors that make these relationships not work is the mind. And it is not something easy to control those emotions, as well as jealousy and this is something that ends even with the best relationships.