Are you looking for extreme and exciting sexual experiences? It's time for you to go further and encourage yourself to be part of an orgy that will leave you ecstatic and full of pleasure.
Many may believe that an orgy is a perverse and atrocious practice, but the truth is that it has existed since the world was a world. Ancient cultures, such as the Roman one, saw it as something natural and even that it was the best way to achieve an intense orgasm.
The truth of it all is that even today it is possible to participate in orgies, you just have to know where to go and the rules of the game. So, if your sexual fantasy has to do with this ancient practice, here are some tips that will lead you to have the most extraordinary sexual experience of your life.

1. Choose how you want the orgy to be
Sex is not limited to anything, so only you can choose whether to organize an orgy with acquaintances or attend a private one with strangers. In case you want to organize it, you can invite couples who want to have the same experience.
It can be a meeting in which your partner and some friends participate. Of course, all with prior consent. Find a suitable and private place where everyone can feel comfortable.
Now that, if you prefer an experience with strangers, you will find places where swinger parties are promoted in Spain on the internet. There the orgies are amazing and you can even participate in partner exchanges.
2. Every orgy has its own rules
Whether you are listed as the host or not, all orgies have some rules that the participants must abide by. If you have obtained the invitation to a party, you must inform yourself so that you do not have any problem.
Rules typically include dress, behavior, forms you must use to ask for consent, and even whether or not you can attend unaccompanied.
3. Never attend alone
As we have already told you, each orgy is different, so you must adapt and be sure if you want to participate or not. You can participate in orgies for your same-sex or mixed according to what you want. And it is just in the mixed ones, where you will hardly be able to enter without company.
In case it is not a mandatory rule, the ideal is that you still take someone. It can be your partner, a friend, or a friend and if you don't have someone to take, then hire a companion. Shemales in Madrid are by far the best option, plus you won't feel uncomfortable or vulnerable during the party.
4. Dress attractively
The type of clothing you wear to an orgy can determine the success of your experience. No one wants to be disheveled or poorly dressed, so take care of your appearance. It is best to wear casual clothes that make you look interesting and attractive.
This way, other attendees will take an interest in you and invite you to join them. On the other hand, some parties may have a particular theme, so try to go as the organizers require, otherwise you will not be able to enter or participate.
5. Be kind and respectful
At first, you may not know how to interact with others and you have been attracted to someone you want to flirt with. Act friendly and talk to him or her without corny phrases. Be direct and ask how the night is going or how he is doing.
If, for example, he tells you that he is having a better time now, then he is interested in being with you. On the other hand, if she looks away from her or gives you a sharp, curt response, you should find someone else among the guests.
On the other hand, once you have managed to flirt you should not rush to have sex. You must know what interests the other person, always with a respectful attitude. If you're anxious about physical contact, ask if you can touch here or kiss him and let everything else take its stride.
6. Enjoy drinks without getting drunk

In orgies, you can participate in countless sexual practices, one of the BDSM. Being intoxicated it will not be possible to give consent and a problem could be generated. The same thing happens if someone else wants to flirt with you and they have passed the cups. Therefore, avoid consuming more alcohol than usual so that you can enjoy the party.
7. If you don't like something, you can say NO
In an orgy what is left over are sex toys and people who want to experience their sexuality in different ways. If at any time you are invited to practice something that you don't like, you can say no without complications.
Remember that there will always be respectful treatment between the guests and each one has its limits.
8. Do not go to an orgy without condoms or lubricants
While it is true, at every party you will find free condoms and lubricants, they are not always of good quality. So the most recommended thing is that you take yours according to your tastes to have a safe, intense, and carefree sex experience.
On the other hand, in an orgy, everything goes like toys, handcuffs, dressings, and more. So if you bring any of these you must take care that they are properly clean. In the case of wanting to use dressings, bring a sheet so that you can place it in the place.
You can even ask the host if there is any space available to carry out the activity. If so, you must leave everything clean once the act is over. This will speak volumes about you.
9. Do not take photos or videos
Finally, orgies are almost exclusive and private parties, so taking photos or videos is not allowed. Of course, this rule can change if consent is asked of the participants during the sexual encounter.
In most cases, you will receive a resounding no and you must respect it. Not everyone wants videos out there, even more so if they secretly participate in orgies.