For some years now, BDSM has been climbing within the sexual practices most adopted by couples. As a result, it is no longer seen as a sick act, but as something natural that invites its practitioners to explore their sexuality deeply.
However, taboos are still present in the minds of the majority, so there are still few who speak openly about BDSM. This is because they fear being labeled as mentally ill or deprived.
But here it is important to make a huge parenthesis and highlight that no practice related to BDSM has anything perverted. Everything in it is full of benefits and this is where the fact that you like it so much takes hold.
So if you are one of those who want to explore your sexuality in depth through BDSM and want to know why so many like it, be sure to read what we present below.

1. BDSM helps improve the couple's communication
It is well known that within BDSM safety words are used in case the act becomes more intense than expected. Certainly, it refers to a type of communication that has nothing to do with everyday life.
That is to say, every practitioner opens up to the other surrounded by a previously prepared and consensual environment. Reaching this point implies that the couple has reached a deep level of trust, there is respect and dedication.
Therefore, they open themselves to nonverbal communication and let desire guide them on their way to exploring their intimacy. Resulting in better communicative development as a couple and in any environment.
2. Enhance intimacy in every way
If there is trust, there is trust and therefore intimacy will always be better. This statement can be made, given the degree of complicity acquired by the couple who openly practices BDSM.
When we talk about complicity, it can be believed that it can also be achieved within conventional sex. But, according to scientific data, only extreme sex is capable of motivating so much trust in another, to the point of allowing oneself to be tied down and dominated.
This results in the body producing less cortisone and therefore there is less stress and the couple becomes more affectionate. In short, they pay more attention to detail.
3. BDSM practitioners are faithful
In general, no BDSM practitioner initiates with their partner due to prejudice. Possibly he had an experience in the past with an acquaintance or decided to look for a Vitoria whore to make his fantasy come true.
The important thing is that he wants to make BDSM something habitual and introduce this sexual practice into the relationship. But what good will this do? Well, we already know how beneficial it is for communication and trust, and also promote fidelity in the couple.
That's right, a couple who lives all sexual experiences as one hardly needs to look for another person.
4. Guarantees emotional and mental balance
BDSM is in all its essence a sexual game that, by far, fuels the most primitive instinct in people. The role of the woman or the man does not matter, but what the pleasure that you want to achieve with your partner.
Thus, in the mid-1980s, this practice was no longer considered a mental disorder. Therefore, since then it is considered a sexual act that promotes emotional and mental balance. Defining like this, as a loving act where the exchange is the most important thing.
In this sense, each practitioner gains more security is less neurotic, and opens more easily to other points of view. In the same way, they handle different situations with greater awareness, they feel freer and, therefore, they enjoy better mental health.
5. BDSM helps reduce stress levels

Extreme sex causes different effects among practitioners. But in both cases, the predominant sensation is the reduction of stress. For example, the one who acts as the dominant is involved in a chemical change at the organic level.
That is, the adrenal glands decrease the levels of cortisol production. The latter is known as the stress hormone. Therefore, states of stress are counteracted and a total transformation takes place, which translates into pleasure and peace.
In contrast, for the submissive participant, the chemical transformation is the opposite. Since cortisol production is elevated during the early stages of BDSM or erotic pain play. Once this phase is over, hormone levels drop considerably.
Resulting in an effect of relief and tranquility that is very exciting. Something very similar to having a nightmare from which you cannot wake up and that finally ends up causing a feeling of deep peace when you reach a safe place.
6. No BDSM practitioner suffers from anxiety
Pain is only a small part of what BDSM practices represent. Precisely here and under that sensation is that a great sensation of freedom and pleasure arises. As difficult as it may seem, according to scientific studies, the experience itself can eliminate anxiety.
All this is thanks to the fact that the brain begins to secrete a series of substances in the participants, which makes them feel full. Even BDSM has been compared to sports activities such as golf, swimming, and yoga, because of the similarity of their effects on the body.
Of course, the final result is due to the level of concentration and the attention that the participants have during the sexual act. In addition to the ties, they have built from communication and trust.
In short, when the body feels pain, it becomes more physically present and reacts according to its level. Coming to generate intense relief and well-being, eliminating any trace of anxiety.