Do men always have to pay on a date? For ethics or perhaps chivalry, it is always attributed to the man. Something that is closely linked to traditions and upbringing, but that is not entirely true.
In this sense, we live in a world that is increasingly eager for dating and times have changed. Women are more open to wanting to share expenses on an outing. An unimaginable action in the past and that is still a reason for great debates.
Basically, it's about pretensions a bit prejudiced, but they have their positive side. Even more so when the date is with a woman with whom you want to have a long-term relationship. The important thing is to stay open to the experience and let it all go smoothly.
Without further ado, if you are one of those men who like to invite and pay for a date, this will seem interesting to you.
Why do men always pay?

The main reason men always pay on a date is because of tradition. But beyond that, it is the way in which the man shows that he is interested in the woman. If we add to this that women love to feel desired, it would be an example of this.
Additionally, it is considered a gesture of trust towards oneself and the partner. Well, it symbolizes that he can take care of future expenses if a long-term relationship is established.
Now, what happens if it is an appointment without commitments, with an escort or shemale Alicante? This is no more than an occasional encounter and therefore the man must always pay for what he wants. There have been cases in which this type of meeting ends in a relationship and perhaps, over time, the terms regarding payment will change.
On the other hand, at the social level, there have been innumerable changes that have allowed the change of thought. This modernization has motivated the economic independence of women and of course, that they want to pay the bills. However, it is a responsibility that continues to be carried out by men.
Can a woman invite a man and pay for the entire date?
Yes, and in general, it only happens when the couple has been dating for some time. Therefore, it is not a gesture that is attributed to simple encounters for pleasure. Since for women to want to take the initiative, it implies that they are really attracted to the man.
If for a moment we go back hundreds of years, women could not have such gestures and it was what led to the cultivation of the belief that men always pay. To what end? The truth is that it was in this way that a woman could choose a good match.
Now everything is different and more and more women are not only inviting men, but also offering to share the cost of a date or pay for it in full.
During the appointment can I choose who should pay?
This will depend on two things, if you have a date without commitments or with someone you want to become your partner. As we have already mentioned, any appointment without commitments is at the man's expense.
On the other hand, when it comes to a date with your partner, the account can be negotiated. EYE! It is not about creating a debate so that the woman pays, but rather that they take advantage of the opportunity to get to know each other a little better.
For example, if during the date the woman says, we have been going out for a while and I would love to invite you or something like that. The best thing you can do is smile and ask her what she proposes. Sure, she will want to pay this time, but you can say that she can pay another time.
If you see that there is some refusal, then propose to pay half and change the subject slightly so that you can get to know the woman better. Failing that, you can have a more interesting conversation as a couple.
What if you're not sure if you should pay or split the cost of the appointment? Here are some tips that you can not fail to put into practice.
1. Do not give importance to who should pay
If you are on a date with your partner, do not think from the beginning if you or she should pay the bill. The idea is that they have fun and have an extremely wonderful time.
2. Remember that both are the same
You must keep in mind that, although you are the man, you do not always have to pay. If your companion offers, do not cut off his initiative, complement it.
3. Propose to pay between the two
To avoid a debate when paying the bill, if she has said that she wants to invite you at that time, propose to pay between the two of you. She will immediately realize that you are an understanding man and will make yourself look more attractive in her eyes.
4. Take the opportunity to flirt
If you notice that for a moment the situation became awkward, it's time to talk about what you liked most about the date. You can tell him that you would like to repeat the experience, joke about whether you want to pay next time, and similar comments.
Of course, you have to do it with humor so that you can get her to smile and feel pleased. Keep in mind that humor can also be a part of flirting if you don't overdo it.
5. Dare to get to know your companion more

You have already used all your good humor to conquer and you have created a pleasant moment that you can use to ask questions about his life. Don't be so explicit about some things, but do ask about her interests, what she'd like to do, and what she expects from the next date.
The details that you know here will be essential to have a better experience the next time you meet. The best thing is that when moments like this occur, it is an inescapable sign that they can establish a long-term relationship.