Did you know that everyone at some point has had a cheating partner? The first thing you should know is that unfaithful people are usually the people who know how to lie best. However, not everything is as bad as it seems and it is simply a one-night stand.
Even more so if one of the two wants to have a different sexual experience with someone they know or a Coruña escort that helps them make their fantasies come true. In any case, there will always be signs that will make you think that your partner is unfaithful and here we mention them.

Best signs that will let you know if your partner is cheating on you
If at any time you have felt that something in your relationship is not right, it means that other things are becoming more attractive to your partner. Instinctively, you start to feel a little suspicious and you may think that love is over.
If so, your first reaction will be to believe that there is someone else in your partner's life and surely, you want to know if you are right. To do this, you just have to carefully observe the signs that we present below.
His mood has taken a 360° turn
Mood swing is one of the first signs that your partner is cheating on you. It usually begins with irritability, is easily upset, and there is a loss of interest in the relationship. Little by little, they stop talking openly and a significant change in the routine of the other is generated.
As for the topics of conversation, these are no longer important, so it will be common to see that the couple seeks to end them immediately. More so when they occur in the middle of a possible outing where questions are asked such as where are you going? Will you be late? or who will go?
Change your way of dressing
After the change of mood, the interest in dressing better or looking fashionable appears. This change can be noticed in any situation, especially if he says he is going to a work appointment. Now, when referring to clothing, it includes everything from underwear to the most common garments.
It should be noted that this type of change brings with it the interest of improving everything in your physical appearance. Starting with losing weight, paying for a gym, and taking longer than usual to get ready before going out.
Shows interest in activities other than usual
Without a doubt, including unusual activities in your routine is another sign that your partner is cheating on you. At first, you may notice that your free time is spent with people you just met who share similar interests.
New friendships along with a hobby that can make you leave the house for hours are an indication that there is something hidden. It is possible that the person with whom he is unfaithful is part of this group and, therefore, it is the perfect excuse to go out without explanation.
does not answer the calls
If before you called him on his cell phone or at the office and he answered you right away, but now he doesn't, that's another sign of infidelity. His change of interest in meeting the needs of the couple and above all, knowing the reason for the call is very noticeable.
That is, the unfaithful partner shows a greater commitment to the relationship they want to have with their lover. He will focus on making her feel comfortable, safe and she will not want anyone to get in the way of it.
He does not let you have access to his mobile
From the mobile, you can access any channel of interaction with other people. Be it social networks, emails, or dating rooms. If you're talking to someone, you'll want to keep your partner away from it.
You will always have an excuse for them not to check your mobile or you will use different blocking methods. Currently, there are applications to hide conversations and you likely have them installed.
Pay more attention to the mobile than to the couple
It is possible that while he is at home, he tries to hide his interest by being on the lookout for his cell phone or he will claim that he is waiting for a work call. At first, it may be normal, but over time his obsession to see who wrote to him or if he has received a message from her lover will become common.
This behavior is also related to mood change. Well, if you are a little isolated or reluctant to share with your partner, it will show that you enjoy chatting with another person more.
It should be noted that it will be difficult to verify infidelity from the mobile. Since you will likely delete the conversation histories daily. If you didn't use to, it's another sign that your partner is cheating on you.
sex is no longer the same

If your partner cheats on you, you will surely feel it when having sex. The most common thing is that I always have an excuse like I'm not in the mood, the day at the office was exhausting, we better leave it for later, among others.
This behavior symbolizes certain remorse and rejection for something that already seems monotonous to you. In most cases, the change occurs immediately from the moment he has started having sexual relations with his mistress.
Business or sudden trips are becoming more and more frequent
If your partner doesn't travel frequently for business, they will find a reason to do so. The first thing will be to say that you have been promoted and that your new position will require you to spend a few days out of town.
Now, if your job doesn't require any travel, you might mention a few trips between friends. Whether they are the ones you just met or some from the past and have not seen for a long time. The truth is that these trips will be used to be free with your lover and you will feel safe not having to give so many explanations.
However, if the suspicion that your partner is cheating on you has been around for a long time, claiming his sudden departures will be the trigger for him to want to justify himself. This won't change his cheating behavior at all, but it will give him the courage to accept cheating.