Relationships can become quite complex and one of the main things that can affect them is monotony. That is why many people end the relationship or seek new adventures. The truth is that it is possible to have new practices together with your partner.
One of the practices that can be quite interesting and that can fan the flame within the relationship is cuckolding. This type of practice can generate a lot of curiosity and a very pleasant fetish.
Cuckolding is a practice in which a third person is integrated into the relationship. This person is in charge of giving life to the relationship and taking it out of the monotony. Some people find them, while others usually hire a Lleida whore to fulfill the fantasy.
What is cuckolding all about?

As we already mentioned, the key in cuckolding is the third person. In general, it is usually another man (although it can also be a woman), who is known as a "bull" or "buller". His function is to have sexual relations with the girl.
In other words, this practice could be considered "consensual infidelity". While the man stays at home, the girl is going to have an encounter with the bullfighter with the permission of her boyfriend or husband. This is something that generates a lot of curiosity within the relationship.
Once the meeting is over, the wife tells her husband all the details of their meeting. She can also show photos or videos of the meeting.
On some occasions, the husband himself is present while the bullfighter does his part. That is, the cuckold witnesses the entire sexual encounter and, depending on the case, may or may not participate.
There are some cases in which it is the cuckold who incites the girl and even introduces her to the candidates. In this practice, "cheating" is what generates a greater amount of excitement within the couple.
How is it done?
This could be considered as an alternative lifestyle and has seen great growth in recent years. It is generally found related to role-playing. It is a very interesting and exciting fetishism for the couple.
If you are interested in knowing how these meetings are carried out, we will delve a little more into it.
The first thing to remember in this type of relationship is that both parties are comfortable with what they are doing. Making this clear, the next thing to keep in mind is that an accomplice must be chosen. This can be a complete stranger or someone close to the couple, such as a friend or neighbor.
It is the man, usually who decides who can or cannot have sexual relations with his wife. Having the person who will be the "buller", what remains is to specify the meeting and carry it out. There are two types of cuckolds, one that is present during the encounter and one that is not.
Finally, one of the most exciting parts of this practice is the talk. The girl usually tells everything about the meeting, how she felt, she did enjoy it and any other detail.
Benefits of cuckolding
This practice has some advantages that can be quite interesting. Among the most common we can mention the following advantages.
- It is a very good way to get out of the routine, which will make your relationship last much longer.
- It strengthens the trust in the couple, since it makes them understand each other much more.
- Avoid that the couple ends up being unfaithful, since a way out of the routine is offered.
- It is a healthy practice and one that can become really important for the relationship in general.
- It considerably increases excitement and morbidity, which makes the couple much more sexual.
These were some of the main benefits that this practice can offer. However, if something is clear, it is that the most important thing is that both can enjoy each of the meetings.
What are the rules in the world of cuckolding?
This is a fairly complex world in which there are no rules as such. Many believe that to do this it is necessary to do this or that, but nothing is further from the truth.
Any rules that may exist are internal within the relationship itself, as well as the one the buller has. Although the couple usually has some control, some bulls can put some conditions to accept the meeting.
The most important thing so that there is no problem while practicing this is communication. The rules must be completely clear before starting a match. In addition, there are some things that, more than rules, have to do with common sense.
For example, the use of protection when having a sexual encounter should be something basic. There are people who do not care too much about this, however, when it comes to sexual relations, not using protection can become a real problem.
Cuckolding with a prostitute?

Although the definition of this practice tells us that it is the woman who enjoys the bullying, nothing prevents her from being a "bullying". For many men, seeing his wife next to another in bed can be very exciting.
As we mentioned before, there are no established rules for this practice. This means that everything that happens is agreed upon and discussed between both parties. Hiring a prostitute to do this can be really interesting. This can provide a completely different vision of what this practice is.
That is why it is not only possible to hire a prostitute to have a cuckold experience, but it is highly recommended, especially for couples new to the scene.